Create your email signature:

There's a known bug between GMail and the Chrome Engine breaking the style of links when pasted in the signature field. Edge also has that same bug now that it's using the chrome engine. On Mac you can use Safari to set your signature without breaking the style. On Windows, the only working browser at the moment would be firefox.

  1. In a new browser tab:
    1. Open gmail
    2. Go to settings
    3. Empty your signature field
    4. Scroll to the bottom
    5. Save changes
  2. Fill this form and click "Submit" (will open a new tab)
  3. If it looks good
    1. Use ctrl+a to select everything
    2. Use ctrl+c to copy the signature
    3. In the other browser tab, go to your gmail settings
    4. Click in the signature field and use ctrl+v to paste
    5. Often the email link will be broken after the signature is pasted. To fix this:
      1. Hover on your email address
      2. In the pop-up menu, select "Change"
      3. Choose the "Email Address" radio button
      4. Type your email address and click "Ok"
    6. Under the signature box on GMail, click on the checkbox "Insert this signature before quoted text in replies and remove the "--" line that precedes it." (needs to be on)
    7. Scroll to the bottom and save
Ex: Joel Doyle-Tremblay
Ex: From BambooHr, right click on your picture, copy the image address and paste it.
Ex: Software Developer
Ex: 555-555-5555